Essay assignment

Self-Assessment Essay

Professors’s Prompt:

For this assignment, you will write an introduction to your Digital Portfolio that displays, with claims and evidence, how you’ve
developed as a writer and thinker this semester.

Self-Assessment Essay HAN PHUNG


Essay assignment

Researched Critical Analysis (aka “The Review”)

Professor’s Prompt:

For this assignment, with everything you’ve learned about analyzing rhetorical situations presented in your favorite media, you’ll form and support a concise thesis about the quality of a piece of content.
Unlike in an Academic Summary, the objective of this assignment is to offer an opinion on how well a particular content creator achieves their purpose. Essentially, you will “review” a piece of content the way a journalist (like your professor!) would.

Researched Critical Analysis – Han Phung

Essay assignment

Observational Essay

Professor’s Prompt:

For this assignment, you will study your favorite content creator
and determine what you believe to be a unifying theme of their work. You will analyze three separate pieces of content and use them as evidence of this theme. In other words, if you’re observing a musician, choose three of their songs that best define the most common theme of their discography; if you’re choosing a filmmaker, choose three of their movies that best define the most common theme of their filmography, etc. The objective of this assignment is to identify the rhetorical argument a content creator makes most often in their work.

Observational Essay HAN PHUNG