Essay assignment

Self-Assessment Essay

Professors’s Prompt:

For this assignment, you will write an introduction to your Digital Portfolio that displays, with claims and evidence, how you’ve
developed as a writer and thinker this semester.

Self-Assessment Essay HAN PHUNG


Essay assignment

Researched Critical Analysis (aka “The Review”)

Professor’s Prompt:

For this assignment, with everything you’ve learned about analyzing rhetorical situations presented in your favorite media, you’ll form and support a concise thesis about the quality of a piece of content.
Unlike in an Academic Summary, the objective of this assignment is to offer an opinion on how well a particular content creator achieves their purpose. Essentially, you will “review” a piece of content the way a journalist (like your professor!) would.

Researched Critical Analysis – Han Phung

Essay assignment

Observational Essay

Professor’s Prompt:

For this assignment, you will study your favorite content creator
and determine what you believe to be a unifying theme of their work. You will analyze three separate pieces of content and use them as evidence of this theme. In other words, if you’re observing a musician, choose three of their songs that best define the most common theme of their discography; if you’re choosing a filmmaker, choose three of their movies that best define the most common theme of their filmography, etc. The objective of this assignment is to identify the rhetorical argument a content creator makes most often in their work.

Observational Essay HAN PHUNG

Essay assignment

Language and Literacy Narrative

Professor’s Prompt:

For this assignment, you will write about the piece of content that first sparked your interest in your favorite genre of media. This could be the
song or poem that revealed your passion for lyricism, the movie that turned you into a cinephile, the novel that led to your love of literature, the manga or comic book that introduced you to fantasy, the RPG that made you a lifelong gamer, etc. The objective of this assignment is to revisit the first time a piece of language truly spoke to you and explain exactly why.

Language and Literacy Narrative HAN PHUNG